What YOU can do to help!

1. Sign and share our NEW petition to Dorset Council:

Dorset Council has a statutory duty to ensure that any changes to health services benefit all residents. They also asked for, and were given, a commitment by Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group that Swanage based Ambulance resources would be fully maintained to mitigate the risks of long journey times to emergency care following the 2018 decision to close Poole A&E, Maternity and Specialist Children’s care. If we can get 5,000 signatures on our new petition we can ensure these issues are given a hearing at full council and represent in the strongest possible terms our expectation that Dorset Council will both uphold its responsibilities and fight for the people it claims to represent! Please sign and share to help us get there!

2. Put up an Ambulance Car campaign poster, or refresh an old one:

Our poster and banner campaign has been massively successful in ensuring the campaign remains in the public eye! The huge numbers that have taken part has even been mentioned by Swanage and Dorset councillors in official meetings as evidence of how strongly the community feels about the potential loss of their car. COVID took away our ability to gather together to show our unity, but these simple and powerful images did just that! If you haven’t yet got a poster up and would like one, or have a larger site to potentially display a banner please get in touch via our contact page. Equally, if your poster has faded get in touch and we will supply you with a crisp new one for the ongoing fight! 

3. Volunteer with the campaign! We need everyone to help:

Delivering leaflets, gathering petition signatures and talking to people at our outreach stalls are just some of the things you could get involved with. We need to funders to hear us and we need to be ready to leap into action when the DCCG engagement period starts: could you help get our message across at meetings, to the press, or on social media? 

Whether you’re a people person, or a words person, or a tech person, or an arty person –  whoever you are, we need you! Our team is small and friendly and we would welcome anyone in our community who has a little time and positive energy to share! Get in touch via our contact page.

4. Interact with and share our information with your friends and neighbours:

Getting the word out about how the campaign is progressing and what people can do to help defend our ambulance car is crucial! Please follow us on our Facebook if you can, and like and share our posts! Share our Linktree or point people towards our website! Every click and share helps!